Thunder in Paradise 3: Deadly Lessons (1994)
When notorious drug lord Manuel Santiago is captured, his assistant takes over the operation and takes a school hostage.
Notes: Hulk Hogan can’t act. Moving along…
When we first see Cary’s character, he looks almost comical in his beret and short hair and all, and we see him being a very polite yes-man to some druglord. Well, then Hogan takes the druglord out of the picture. Lo and behold, one month later Cary shows up with his long hair in a slicked back ponytail, sunglasses on, and looking very much like the baddie that we’ve seen him play many other times. This is also one of those films where Cary’s character is somehow beaten by a guy with obviously much lesser fighting abilities. That’s Hollywood for you!
Thanks to Janet Singer for sending me this tape!