234 entries.
You have an awesome page Annie! You are truly talented. I love the theme, it matches my background, so it's fashionable for me to visit the site! I wish you all the luck and can't wait to FINALLY see you. You have blond hair, correct? : )Just so people can't read this and say, "what a dumb comment, mine is so much better," I'll make it private. SuhilaI miss you! : )
I couldn't really believe that I've finally found a site about my favourit actor. Thanks a lot for this site!
Was surfing along & found my way to your website. Great job! It's one of the better personal websites i've encountered. Keep up the great work!
Very cool page! I like the graphics and stuff. ๐ Keep up the good work and come on over and stop at my page. Thanks!
Hey Annie!
I thought that I had signed your guest book, but as I looked through it
I didn't see my message! So I'm writting you now!
As you know I love your Cary Hiroyuki Tawaga page and thanks again for
posting the interview that I found for you!
Keep up the great work babe!
Well, first off, I must say your best friend is a knock out. I wish I was that beautiful. Next, your page kicks butt. You must be so incredably knowledgeable about computers that you put computer nerds to shame. I quite enjoyed browsing your web site and look forward to the next time I get the chance to do so. You rock!
This is a totally cool page! The Cary stuff rocks! & the star trek page rules totally! i would love to see on this page some sound bites if that could be made but otherwise this page rocks!
Great page! Star Trek and Tagawa, I love it! Keep up the good work.
Great Web page.
Excellant pictures.
Wonderfully done.
If Cary doesn't have a fan club on the web, this should be it.
Annie, you are so freaking awesome. How much cooler could you have made this? The CTY stuff is completely amazing - you captured everything. and I loved all of your text stuff - so funny. See ya freakhead.
Cary Tagawa is very handsome and mysterious. I hope I will get more news about him. I wish he was a little younger but I still admire him. I wish he had a email address too. Thank you for your time!
I too am a great fan of this man. Its interesting to see the stuff that you've managed to
collect about him. Great work...keep it up!!
Hi Annie!
Just because you're not in the same room with me anymore threatening me to go to your web page (only kidding you only did that once ;?) ) doesn't mean that I forgot about it! As always it looks great! But where is the God-like image of David? I think he SHOULD be on your page...after all that would be the best picture of him to ever exist! Miss ya lots and don't forget to email me!!!!!! See ya in August at good ol' Catholic University!
This is a great site. Lots of info. I will surf by as often as I can.
i really enjoyed your home page, i think that you have done a great job here.. i am a great fan of cary tagawa, so i found you really did your home work, more then i ever knew. with he had his own page, or an e-mail...thanks
I watched Nash Bridges and searched Cary-hiroyuki Tagawa's page
from Japan.
Your page is very beautiful! I am glad to visit your homepage.
My homepage is Japanese only,but ร
โขURL only English.
Hello! ยฎ^u^ยฎ I was told by a friend to visit your site and so I did! ยฎ^=^ยฎ And was very impressed! You've done a great job,
have to bookmark this place! ยฎ^0^ยฎ And you're so right... He is great... ยฎ*u*ยฎ See you around!
~~~~~~Yours, Lady CG
[to Cary Tagawa:] I like your stile. You have a good way of acting. Most of my friends don`t know who you are, but I have seen almost every one of your movies. Iยฅm a fan, but if I run into you, don`t expect me to jump high. No offence was intended by that comment. Iยฅm just not that kind of a fan who goes crazy when I see a famous person I like. I must say that you really managed to keep your good look. If I didยฅnt knew your age Iยฅd say you were between 35-38 years old. Keep up with the good work, my friend. Say "hey" to your children for me. See you in the cinema.
Therese Lidgren
Sorry I didn't sign your guestbook until now, Annie. As always, your page is wonderful!