234 entries.
I admire your smile.It's uncredebile,it' divine,it make are greate man(I hope) & actor(that's obvious).Thank you for your job.Bless you.
Please do something to translate correctly in French you site about Water Training, maybe I can help ?
I am a HUGE Fan!!! I think you are one of the Coolest Actors EVER!!!!
Hi Cary,
Don't know if you remember me, but I do remember you. You were so nice in high school and signed my yearbook saying that I was a "twitchen" girl. You were so considerate by not using the word "bitchen". I'll never forget it. Looks like you have been very successful.....congrats!!! Sandi "twitchen" girl!
You're the best
As a long-time martial artist and member of the World Yoshukai Kobudo Organization, your portrail of the Japanese Marine in this film shows the true meaning of Bushido. Unfortunately, most americans continue to see Bushido as the twisted mind set used by Japanese militarists to achieve an end during WWII. This marine (obviously decended from the Samurai class) is not driven by hate, but rather studies his enemy, respecting his abilities enough to actually teach him fighting technique in order to make him a more worthy opponent.
In my humbel opinion, the beach training sequence in this movie is one of the best martial arts sequences ever filmed. Good Luck to you Mr. Tagawa, and keep up the good work.
I have followed your whole career,and I've enjoyed all of your work.As a matter of fact,just finished watching "BODYGUARD:A NEW BEGINNING.Keep up the great work that you do.
Hello,I am from the Czech Republic and I am your big fan.My name is Pavel Antony. I would like to ask you about sending of your photo with autograph .I would like to be happy and beforehand thank you very much.My adress:
SPC H/45
Czech Republic
Have a good time,hi,thank you very much
Hi Cary,I just can't get tired of the Mortal Combat,you being a villain Shang Tsung at the same time had so much charisma,so charming as well... Keep up the good work.
hey, CARY!! you were great as Shang Tsung, like to see you as that character again!! Very best to you.
can any one help me as i remember watching a film when i was a kid but cant remember what it was called and i think this actor was in it. the film is fighting in like a oval room with people watching from the top why people fight with swords and other weapons like thin and remember a man running up the wall doing a back flip as he dose so he gets cut in half i have looked for it every were but with no luck can any one plz help me my email address is
any help would be great thanks
You are an amazing actor. Your face mimic is absolutely fantastic.
Greetings from Budapest
Hello Cary! I am Akiyama.Do you remember me? I was a player of Hawaiian Islanders about 7 or 8 years ago. We had a trainning at the Hawaii's beach. It was great time for my life. If you can mail me,I'm looking forward to it!!!
Some day I have a wedding in Hawaii,please come my wedding.
I'm a big fan of Nash Bridges and loved the chemistry between AJ (Cary's character) and Nash. I was very upset when AJ was written out as the chemistry between them was so good that they came across as genuine friends and you could really feel it whenever they were on-screen together. I was inspired to write this because the episode where AJ leaves the show just aired here in the UK and I was again reminded of how sad it was that Cary left the show. Did he want to leave the show or was it the decision of CBS to write him out?
Hey cary whats up miss you @ the hot pool.........
I'm a long time fan. I always prefer the bad guys. I feel it takes so much more skill to play the enemy. The intensity with which he acts is incredible. As a writer though, I want to see him in a lead roll and to get the girl, the beautiful one! Thanks Cary, for being you and bring it on film. All due respect!
I met Mr. Tagawa after the 2005 Honolulu Marathon in Hawaii. I was translating for the Russian women's team who ended up winning the gold that year. Anyway, Mr. Tagawa and some other people from the marathon and I went out for a brunch, during which I discovered that he is probably one of the nicest and coolest people I've ever met. What promoted this post is his appearance in Heroes. I love that show and was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Tagawa there.
Carry, all the best to you and your family. Aloha.
i wish i could move and look like you but i can't and i don't so i will continue to watch you keep doing what your ya
a happy new year
I am from Pasadena Calif, and was born on sept 26, 1958. I have lived in Japan for 23 years and hear about how you have given the Japanese much to be proud of. So don't ever stop making movies ! God Bless You !