About The SiteC-HT Online was started in 1997, first as a sub-section to my personal website (which I was creating at the time to learn HTML) and then finally becoming it's own site completely. This is not Cary's official site, but is the official *fan* site. If you'd like to see Cary's own site, just follow the link on the Links page.
What's an Official "Fan" Site? This site was created by a fan, and many other fans have contributed to some section(s) of it, as well as Cary himself - by contributing news, ideas, and other stuff. This isn't a fan club - yet, anyways - but it is a combination of both a website and a fan group. If you would like to meet other fans, you can join us in the message board or the other fan groups, or joining the weekly chats. We're always happy to welcome new people! RequirementsWhile I'd like everyone to be able to view the site, if you have a browser more than a few years old (hint: if you have Netscape 4.7, this is you!) then it's time to upgrade. You're probably not seeing most pages as they are meant to be seen, anyways. Your resolution needs to be at 800 x 600 or higher, and you should have a CSS-enabled browser, which is pretty standard these days. Your page uses javascript! Yes! Javascript is fine as long as it's done right! It's not going to blow up your computer. You can go enable it. :) Contact the WebmasterClick here to contact me.DonateI don't get paid for any of this, but if you want to help out towards the costs of upkeep for this site, it would be very much appreciated! You can also donate without spending a single cent - just click the ad below to visit one of the advertisers' web sites. It'll go towards the upkeep costs, too. (Please note that I have no affiliation with the advertisers.) Want to link to this site from yours?Save an image below to your own site, then link them back to http://www.carytagawaonline.com